08/26/2024 ● By Family Features
The start of the new school year means it's time to fill out those shopping lists with must-haves that help ensure your student's transition back into the classroom is successful.
To help newlyweds make the most of their first trip as a married couple, consider this guide to some of the most lavish honeymoon destinations across the globe.
Consider these healthy habits that can go a long way toward supporting your immune system and maintaining your health.
Across the country, more than 1.3 million children ride to school each day in school buses, most of which are powered by diesel and produce harmful emissions.
Many associate vaccines with childhood, remembering the series of shots received during early school years. However, vaccination importance extends far beyond adolescence.
08/19/2024 ● By Family Features
Because a fresh set of school supplies is likely near the top of the shopping list, this guide can help you tackle the essentials and ensure your student has the necessities for a successful school year.
Every day, 1.3 million children ride to school in 22,000 propane school buses across the country, making school bus safety a matter that affects thousands upon thousands of families.
Millions of Americans are at risk for life-threatening cardiovascular events due to high cholesterol, a condition nearly everyone has heard of yet just a fraction fully understand.
Annual checkups are an important step in protecting your child's eye health and vision, but families tend to see the eye doctor less regularly than their primary care doctor, pediatrician or dentist.
08/12/2024 ● By Family Features
To help make the back-to-school transition as seamless as possible, consider taking these steps ahead of the academic term.
Starting kindergarten is a major milestone, one that sets the stage for future learning. Ensuring children are well-equipped to enter kindergarten sets them up for a successful school year in the short term and academic career in the long term.
For teenagers, retirement may seem like a lifetime away, but it's never too early to start saving for the future.
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