02/10/2025 ● By Family Features
Choosing to take part in a clinical trial means helping a study team figure out if a new method of diagnosis, treatment or prevention is effective.
02/07/2025 ● By Family Features
For pet parents in the U.S., Valentine's Day is another chance to shower their pets with love. This Valentine's Day, consider these vet-recommended ways to show your pets just how much you love them.
02/03/2025 ● By Family Features
If you're thinking about making a career change, re-evaluating your long-term career path or looking for a career with purpose, there is one path you may not have considered .
01/27/2025 ● By Family Features
In the U.S., 1 in 3 adults is at risk for a newly recognized syndrome that comes from a combination of heart disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and excess body weight.
01/20/2025 ● By Family Features
Winter can bring plenty of opportunities for cozy gatherings with loved ones and these moments can be bright spots during cold months.
Moving from one year to the next is a perfect opportunity to think about the new chapter you want to write for yourself.
Staying up to date on recommended vaccines is important during pregnancy. This is especially true during the winter months when more people tend to get sick from flu, COVID-19 and RSV.
01/16/2025 ● By Family Features
This year, make a plan to keep your family healthy by helping them get vaccinated for respiratory infections like flu, COVID-19 and RSV.
01/15/2025 ● By Family Features
A new year can bring feelings of hope and optimism. This can be especially true for pregnant people as they look forward to the arrival of their baby.
People ages 65 and older can kick off a healthy new year by getting vaccinated for flu, COVID-19 and RSV. These respiratory infections can become more dangerous as people age.
01/13/2025 ● By Family Features
To make mealtime less stressful, most Millennial parents look for cooking appliances that are easy to clean, easy to use and have fast cooking options.
For health conditions with no cure, effective treatments are the next best option. Consider these facts about the importance of clinical trials.