09/30/2024 ● By Family Features
Many older adults look for variety, flexibility and benefits when searching for a way to volunteer. Consider these opportunities that match volunteers' interests and skills with local non-profit organizations.
Despite the old adage that "you'll catch your death of cold," the cold itself doesn't cause illness. More accurately, the cold is more hospitable to viruses, making it easier for them to spread.
09/26/2024 ● By Family Features
With dog birthday parties and adoptions being celebrated across the country, entertainment ideas can be borrowed from regular parties - but the special guests will need to be taken into account when planning a party designed for pooches.
09/23/2024 ● By Family Features
Ensure the safety of your little one with this guide to effectively babyproof some of the most-used rooms in your home.
Changing temperatures and prepping for road trips are good reminders to check tire pressure, but the reality is, vehicle owners should make it a habit to practice tire safety monthly.
Narcolepsy is a complex, lifelong sleep disorder that includes symptoms like cataplexy and excessive daytime sleepiness and is estimated to affect 1 in 2,000 Americans.
While most older adults understand the importance of obtaining medical insurance once they retire and are no longer covered by an employer, not all prioritize dental and vision coverage.
There is no cure yet for COPD, but these strategies can help protect your lung health at every age.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. Consider these recommended steps for women looking to improve their heart health.
From a day spent in the office to evenings out and everywhere in between, there's one thing virtually everyone leaves behind now and again: a mess.
09/09/2024 ● By Family Features
Getting vaccinated for flu, COVID-19 and RSV during your pregnancy lets you pass protection to your baby.
Even though cooler days may seem far off, now is the best time to plan ahead for a healthy winter.
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