Last Updated: 11/03/2019 09:57AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
11/03/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Our digital life these days is much - be aware of the access your kids have...
10/01/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
A Must for All Parents...
08/29/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Playing violin or cello is not as hard as most people or kids realize.
The end of summer is also a time to discover resources available to help your child succeed.
Starting school can be exciting and scary... here's ideas to smooth out some bumps.
08/01/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Making friends is not always easy... here's some tips to make things just a little easier.
As hard as middle school can be for your kids... there are also huge benefits that are always obvious.
An insiders look at a Hockey here in Lane County.
Kids don't learn the same way, and gifted learners even more so... here's some ideas to incorporate for your gifted learner.
07/10/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Preparing for college is an exciting time... these tips will help you navigate the process.
06/01/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Rules for the Pool (or when near water)
04/01/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
We all know too much screen time is bad - but here's why...
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