Last Updated: 03/01/2022 11:20AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
03/01/2022 ● By Pilar Bradshaw, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Adolescence has always been a challenging time of development; however, social media has made growing up even more complicated for a lot of kids.
01/04/2022 ● By Sarah Lyons
People love to collect stuff… everything from rocks to stickers.
01/04/2022 ● By Pilar Bradshaw, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Building our children’s self-esteem is one of the most important tasks we have as parents.
11/30/2021 ● By Pilar Bradshaw, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Despite our best intentions, it’s common for families to get overwhelmed trying to do so much in such a short amount of time.
11/30/2021 ● By Sandi Schwartz
What is Citizen Science?
10/04/2021 ● By Sandy Kauten
…Ways to help, as kids return to pre-pandemic activities.
09/01/2021 ● By Kelli Matthews
Heading back to school may look different this year, but having the right gear and gadgets can make it feel like a fresh start for a new school year.
08/02/2021 ● By Kim Green-Spangler
The manner in which information is learned, material is comprehended, and concepts are processed called a “learning style.” How often have adults wondered what makes a child tick?
08/02/2021 ● By Pilar Bradshaw, M.D., F.A.A.P.
With so much misinformation circulating, we understand why parents may be struggling with whether to vaccinate their kids.
08/02/2021 ● By Tanni Haas, Ph.D.
Experts say that family volunteer vacations are beneficial not only to the communities that are served but also to the families themselves.
08/02/2021 ● By Jan Pierce
Studies show that there are optimal times for the brain to “hear” and be able to correctly duplicate the sounds of a second language. The earlier the exposure begins, the better to achieve native-like grammar and pronunciation.
07/01/2021 ● By Kimberly Blaker
The History of Laughter and Science Behind Its Medicinal Effects
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