07/31/2024 ● By Sandy Kauten
Oregon Family Magazine, August 2024 issue featuring the Education Resource Guide.
09/30/2023 ● By Pam Molnar
A few years ago, my son’s middle school principal challenged his students to raise $25,000 to build a school in Ghana through Pencils of Promise.
12/02/2022 ● By Jan Pierce, M.Ed.
One of my favorite childhood stories is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s account of the Christmas when Mr. Edwards braved a snowstorm to bring gifts to the family.
11/02/2022 ● By Jan Pierce
The issue of depression is a serious one and it seems the holiday season brings added stress for everyone.
10/05/2022 ● By Rick Epstein
"If your head was cut off, could you still talk?” Five-year-old Sally, who carries Halloween in her heart year-round, was tapping into the paternal store of vital information.
01/31/2022 ● By Parenting Now
A close, nurturing, and responsive relationship is the single most important factor affecting our children’s well-being. Nurturing touch is a part of that.
01/01/2022 ● By Sandy Kauten
Happy New Year!
11/30/2021 ● By Pilar Bradshaw, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Despite our best intentions, it’s common for families to get overwhelmed trying to do so much in such a short amount of time.
09/01/2021 ● By Sandy Kauten
This month's Dad's Eye View Humor column, brought to you by our own Rick Epstein!
11/01/2020 ● By Christa Melnyk Hines
Here's some helpful hints and consideration to help start your journey!
12/30/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
... and hold each other accountable!
07/11/2019 ● By Sandy Kauten
Some fun ways to do the 4th a little different this year.