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Oregon Family Magazine

Risk Versus Reward

07/01/2020 ● By The providers at Oregon Medical Group
As we move through the various phases of reopening during COVID-19, we believe it is important to remind you that caution remains extremely important for our community’s health. In fact, unless we continue to be diligent, moving past Phase 2 to Phase 3 is not necessarily a one-direction path. We could be forced to step back to the previous stage.

At the same time, the virus is not going away and until there is a vaccine, we must learn to manage risk. We know that parents face many tough decisions this summer, from whether children should have play dates to if excursions to public places like the pool are a good idea. With official re-openings, we are forced to make individual decisions based on each person’s health, circumstances and risk tolerance. Balancing risk and reward can be challenging. To help, we offer the following guidance:

  • Consider each body: If you or your child has underlying conditions, asthma or is immune-compromised, staying home is safest. (If your child sees an OMG provider and falls in this category, please contact us for guidance.)
  • Outside is best: Get outside. The virus can disperse more broadly outdoors. You’re not sharing the air as much as when you are inside.
  • Less is more: If you opt to allow your children to have playdates, choose one or two favorite friends to limit your child’s circle and the number of people who might be introducing the virus.
  • Space things out: Yes, allow for six feet between you and others. But also minimize your movement from one activity to another. For example, take one outing each day, not three. This gives your children bright spots to look forward to while reducing the chance of exposure and spread.
  • Keep it clean: Hygiene remains essential. Frequent and thorough handwashing is critical. Covering your sneeze or cough are another, and masks are an absolute. It’s true that they don’t keep you safe, but they protect others. If we all use them, we can drastically reduce the spread.

There are many resources online, and some rank risk. We’re all learning more about this virus, and we’re hoping that by the time this article runs, more will be known and shared online. Please be sure to consider your source. The Centers for Disease Control and governmental health authorities like Lane County Health are the most trustworthy sources. Of course, you can always call your Oregon Medical Group provider with questions specific to your family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news.