Yes, Child Care is Open and Available!
06/03/2020 ● By Kristen Helton
Although half of all licensed child care programs in Lane County have closed as a result of the pandemic, child care is still available in Oregon! Currently, more than 150 licensed child care programs are operating as Emergency Child Care (ECC) programs. These programs must adhere to specific rules aimed at reducing Covid-19 transmission risks. While ECC programs must give priority to parents who are considered essential workers, programs are open and available to any family that needs care.
Similar to ECC programs, summer day camps and youth recreation programs can operate, but will be limited to separate, stable groups of ten or fewer children. This means that capacity and child care options across the county will be decreased this summer. However, there are currently many licensed family and center-based child care programs open with space available for your child!
So, how do working parents find child care? The best way to find child care is to contact 211Info for a list of programs that align with your specific needs. By answering some simple questions, you will receive a list of child care programs that have space available. You can then contact the providers to arrange for a tour to ensure the program meets your requirements and quality standards. Parents who need assistance covering the cost of child care may be eligible for an Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) subsidy, through the Department of Human Services.
Quality Care Connections supports child care workers with professional development, quality improvements, and general resources. We are also available to talk with you about finding quality child care, as well as provide you with information on the new health and safety requirements that licensed child care programs are required to implement.
Quality Care Connections
· Call 541-463-3300
· Visit
· Email [email protected]
Early Learning Division
· Visit
211Info Child Care Referrals
· Visit
· Dial 211
· Text keyword “children” to 898211
· Email [email protected]
Department of Human Services ERDC
· Visit
· Call 541-686-7878
“We are grateful for the providers who have remained open to serve children and families in Oregon during this pandemic. We recognize these are difficult conditions to be operating in. The ELD will continue to support providers through this crisis.” Miriam Calderon, Early Learning Division Director.
Kristen Helton is a Quality Improvement Specialist with Quality Care Connections, in Eugene, OR.