Six Ways for Busy Parents to Practice Self-care
10/02/2017 ● By Sandy Kauten
1. Create a relaxing corner
Remember how in Little Women Marmee always sat in her corner to unwind? Your corner can be anywhere—just keep it toy-free. A comfy chair, maybe a nice-smelling candle, a soft throw over your lap, and you can close your eyes for a few minutes and just breathe. If your house is a mess (and whose isn’t?) just make your chair face the wall, and focus on the nice clean wall and floor space in your own corner.
2. Give yourself a pedicure
Of course, it’s more relaxing if you have the time to visit one of those amazing places where people rub your feet and legs while you sit back in a massage chair, but there’s not always the time and money for that. A DIY pedicure won’t be as relaxing, but you’ll still feel good when you look down at nicely cared for feet.
something you enjoy!
Enough Pinkalicious and Sandra Boynton. Cozy up in your relaxing corner with a book of your choice, whether it be Jane Austen, Sophie Kinsella, or the latest James Patterson.
4. Listen to an audiobook or podcast while doing those so-not-fun chores, or while driving.
Mopping the sticky floor goes much faster when you do it mindlessly while focusing on something that feeds your intellect! There are podcasts for all tastes these days: literary, funny, newsy, you name it!
5. Tuck the kids into bed, pour a glass of wine, cuddle in your corner, and catch up on Scandal, This Is Us, or whatever other show you have saved on your DVR.
Enough said. This one is great for when you’re so tired you can’t think.
6. Start your day with a round or two of Sun Salutation.
This ancient yoga sequence will stretch your muscles and fill you with a sense of wellbeing. It gets your blood moving in the morning, but will help any time you can spare.
Sarah Broussard Weaver has four very loud children, three dogs, a cat, a hedgehog, some fish, and a hubby. Send help! Her parenting articles have been published in Parents,, Parent Co, and Mommy Nearest among others.