Preparing for Kindergarten
08/02/2016 ● By Sandy Kauten
Summers McBride graciously answered some questions about preparing for the big
start. As a kindergarten teacher, she offers helpful insight and suggestions
for making the jump to kindergarten successful.
1. What are the 3-5 MOST important things a parent can do to prepare their
child for kindergarten (in the month before school starts?)
Before school begins you could visit the school and take a tour- visit the
important places, kindergarten hall, cafeteria, etc. Practice getting
in/out of car seats so the car line will be less stressful, or visit the bus
stop and talk about procedures for riding a bus. Have your child practice
writing their name with a pencil. Practice counting objects and counting
aloud. Most importantly, reading daily and ask questions as you read to
your child. Examples of simple ways to help develop pre-reading skills while
reading together include, pointing to
words on the page as you read, or having your child point to words, or asking her
how many words are on a page.
2. Where do you see parents putting unnecessary effort?
I think we are all guilty of this; worrying too much about things that don’t
truly matter. Things like having the perfect outfits, shoes, hair styles,
lunch boxes, and sparkly school supplies. Additionally, don’t panic if your kids
do not know their letters, numbers, or are not reading yet. Children will be
assessed prior to school, or shortly after school begins, and placed by to
skill level. There is a large variation in skill level for children entering
school their first year, but by the end of the year, your child will be where
they need to be to enter first grade.
3. Do you have any advice for a first time Kindergarten parent?
Trust and talk with your child’s teacher often. We love your children
just like they are our own and we truly want the best for each and every child
in our classroom. Keep the morning goodbye short, sweet, and positive
because some students are very anxious the first few days. It’s very
encouraging for the student if you remain calm and upbeat because children can sense
when a parent is stressed or sad.
4. Can you recommend any good books to can help prepare mom and dad for the
first week?
The best children’s book I know of is The Night Before Kindergarten.
Otherwise, I think books for parents vary depending on the kind of child.
5. What are some ideas if parents want to bring a gift for their teacher
the first week?
The biggest gift is having support, and knowing you have parents to help
you. But, for the parents who are unable to help in class, I know they
like to show their support/love other ways. For me, the worst part of
preparing for my day is making my lunch. When a parent offers to bring me
lunch - that is a wonderful gift! Coffee is great too! As for a gift, I
can’t speak for all teachers but things we use in the classroom is also very
helpful: pens, stationary, tissues, disinfectant wipes, hand soap,
6. Any other tips or pointers for moms and dads?
Just try not to worry, and if you have questions, thoughts, or concerns feel
free to talk to your child’s teacher. I am huge on communication and
being on the same page with parents so things remain consistent for my
students; great communication helps everyone involved. Other tips for after the school year starts:
- Bring a snack when you pick up your child from school. Many kindergartners eat lunch very early, so by the end of the day, they are very hungry.
- Be prepared for homework. Yes, kindergarten in many schools has daily homework.
- Plan for rest time. School will wear them out. Especially those children who have never been in an all-day program or are still used to taking a nap.
Good luck as you begin this exciting and sometimes scary adventure into education. Remember these tips, and try to enjoy it!
Alexa Bigwarfe
is the mother of three young children and a freelance writer. She writes about
her experiences through motherhood and is particularly familiar with this topic
as she prepares her middle child for kindergarten in the fall.